Get to Know Our Elder & Deacon Candidates - Andy Kinomoto
The Summit Church is structured as a Jesus-ruled, elder-led, deacon-served, congregationally-responsible church as demonstrated in the New Testament. For the next few weeks we'll be profiling our current elder and deacon candidates so you can get to know the men and women who lead and serve The Summit Church.
Andy Kinomoto - Deacon Candidate
Tell us a little about yourself
As a proud Seattle native, I’m a bit ashamed to admit that Denver’s sunshine has made me a wimp to the raindrops (I bought an umbrella which is a big Seattleite no-no). I came to Denver straight out of college as a creative designer and have been busy at it since 2011. When I’m not on the clock or volunteering with Young Life at East High School, I love hosting dinner and movie parties in my small attic apartment or playing ultimate frisbee with people from the neighborhood at City Park.
What brought you to The Summit Church?
Jesus gave me a desire to invest all my energies into one community after feeling split between urban and suburban circles. It’s been a five-year process, but my home, work, ministry, and church are now all within a five-mile radius. Finding Summit was one of the last pieces of the puzzle and also the most important. After experiencing how often people in Denver come and go from your life, Summit’s ongoing challenge for its people to sink down roots really resonated with me. And so I stayed.
Why are you excited to serve as a deacon at The Summit?
My experience in churchland told me that serving in leadership was reserved for old, married men - not young, single people like me. I’m delighted how Summit celebrates and develops single adults. Equally delightful is the way that Summit has become a fierce friend and advocate of Central Denver Young Life. I’m thrilled to serve as a bridge for anyone in my Summit family who desires to radically love the young people of our community.