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Summit School of Prayer

The Summit School of Prayer is more of a community than a classroom, because movements birth out of community, not programs. The commitment includes:

  1. Corporate Prayer: Join one prayer meeting each week: Sunday at 8AM or Wednesday at 6AM, 12 noon, or 6:30PM

  2. Psalms: We will read through The Psalms each month for 3 months, 5 Psalms each day, starting with the day of the month and then adding 30. So for today, we would read Psalm 20, 50, 80, 110, 140. Tomorrow we would read Psalm 21, 51, 81, 111, 141. Etc. 

  3. Book Club: There will be a shelf in the bookstore in the lobby with about 60 books that are mostly about prayer or they are biographies about people of prayer. It will be a shared, free library, so you can take books as you like. You can read as fast or as slow as works for you, but the goal is that you are reading something every week. If you read 3 books or part of 1 book over the 3 months, that’s great. When you are done with the book, bring it back to the shelf and get a new one. Or if one doesn’t vibe with you, get a different one.

  4. Community: There will be a monthly zoom call that’s suggested but not mandatory. Everyone will also be put in a group chat on GroupMe for prayer requests and to share encouragement or things they are learning / reading.

  5. Optional Outings: You will be invited to optional "prayer outings."

February 25

Re:generation Group

March 7

Team Night