Flourishing Life: Relationships (part 1)

As we shift our focus onto our second core value, Community, we're asking God to help our Summit family flourish in some of the most practical areas of life. Over the next 8 weeks, we'll be looking at what it practically looks like to pursue health in our financesfamilyrest, and relationships.


The final topic in our Flourishing Life series is how the gospel practically shapes our relationships. Specifically, this week, we're looking at how the gospel leads us to health in singleness and dating. Check out the resources below to learn more.

Whom Should I Marry? Ask Boaz and Ruth | Vivian Hyatt

Singleness Myth #1 & Singleness Myth #2 | J.D. Greear

Single Women, Marriage is Not the Goal | Kristina Shiddell

Best Advice for Dating Couples | Derek Rishmawy, J.D. Greear, and Jen Wilkin

Dating & Gospel Accountability | Matt & Lauren Chandler


Flourishing Life: Relationships (part 2)


Flourishing Life: Family (part 2)