Get to Know Our Elder & Deacon Candidates - Drew Witt
The Summit Church is structured as a Jesus-ruled, elder-led, deacon-served, congregationally-responsible church as demonstrated in the New Testament. For the next few weeks we'll be profiling our current elder and deacon candidates so you can get to know the men and women who lead and serve The Summit Church.
Drew Witt - Elder Candidate
Tell us a little about yourself
I'm originally from South Carolina and went to school at Clemson where I studied business management. When I finished, I worked in the family engineering business for a few years before I moved to Raleigh, NC where I decided to go to Southeastern Seminary. I moved out to Denver in 2011 and started a painting business in the city that I co-own with my wife, Andria. We have a 10 month old daughter named Ainsley and two great danes named Finley and Oliver. We live in the Clayton neighborhood of Denver and love the northeast community. In my free time, I enjoy spending time with my family, climbing, running, and working on my house.
What brought you to the Summit Church?
When I was at Southeastern Seminary, I met Andy Metzger who quickly became one of my best friends. We ended up being roommates for quite a few years and he introduced me to Bryan Barley and their crazy idea to start a church in Denver. I jumped on board, and after graduation, packed all the stuff I owned into my truck and drove cross country. I think I slept a couple hours in a truck stop somewhere on the other side of St. Louis so that I could make it in time to our first meeting at Bryan's house that Sunday in January of 2011. I've been here since and love what Jesus is doing through The Summit here in Denver. You are my family and I love this church and our city.
Why are you excited to serve as an elder at The Summit?
I'm excited to lead as an elder in our church because I love walking along-side our people and the people of the city. It's one of the most beautiful, costly, and difficult things to do but I can't think of anything I would rather do when it comes to that which matters for eternity. When I think about my own life and the people who have most influenced me to walk closely with Jesus, they sacrificed for me so that I could walk in the joy of following Jesus. I desire to be that for you who are a part of this family. I especially desire to be that for you who won't read this because you'd never step through a church door, with the hope that one day we might call you family.